Draw Menu: Text – Text Font Parameters

Ezcad software supports direct input of text in the workspace. The fonts of the text include all fonts installed by the system, multiple fonts provided by EzCad, and JSF fonts created by users themselves. If you want to enter text, select the "Text" command in the drawing menu or click the "T" icon.


Under the draw text command, press the left mouse button to create a text object.

Text Font Parameter

After the text is selected, the text attributes shown in Figure appear on the Properties toolbar.

Text Property

If you need to modify the entered text, you can directly modify it in the text edit box.

Ezcad supports five types of fonts, after selecting the font type, the font list will list all fonts of the current type accordingly, as shown in Figure.

After the text is selected, the text attributes shown in Figure appear on the Properties toolbar.

After clicking "F" icon, the dialog box as shown in Figure will pop up.

font parameter

The arrangement of the current text is left-aligned.


The arrangement of the current text is centered.


The arrangement of the current text is right-aligned.

Font width: The average width of the font.

Angle: Refers to the angle of the font.

Character spacing: Refers to the distance between characters.

Line spacing: Refers to the distance between two lines of characters.

Arc text: Ezcad supports circular text. The text is arranged along the arc track, as shown in Figure.

Arc text
Change the top or bottom

: Change the top or bottom of all text to coincide with the curve.

Circle diameter: refers to the circle diameter of the text alignment.

Reference Angle: The angle between the baseline of the text and the X axis.

Angle Range Limit: If this parameter is enabled, the system will shrink the text within the limited angle no matter how much text is input.

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