Param(F3) Configuration – Other: Fly Mark and Red light pointer

Fly Mark

fly mark

Mark on fly: choosing this item refers to enable “Fly mark” function.

Fly from right to left: Choosing this item indicates that stream line direction is from right to left.

Fly continue mode: Choosing it indicates mark object is continuous one, namely, we need to mark content on continuous object. (Such as: wire ,cable and so on).

Enable total part num: Selecting it indicates the mark “total number” set is effective.

Enable simulation: It indicates that using simulation hardware method produce linear speed. It requires appointing speed.

Enable mark entity by order: Selecting it indicates that software will mark content according to its order in the list in turns. Otherwise, software will mark content according to its position in working space from left to right.

Reverse encoder Signals: the signals from encoder is reversed.

Reverse encoder offset: the position of marking is in front of actual.

Inport: choose port of flying signal for Board Version 2.2.6 or update.

Fly speed: The calculation formula is shown as follows:
Fly speed coefficient = perimeter of coder tachometer wheel / coder pulse per revolution;

Red Light Pointer

red light pointer

Enable show contour: When selected, the red light show the object frame, not the rectangle been made from the max coordinate and the min coordinate of the object.

Enable continue mark mode: enable this function, return the software surface, click “Param” then the dialog box popup shown as following Figure,it will be appear after mark stop every time, the Red Laser Pointing always exist.

Light Speed: the speed of guide light.

Offset Pos X and Y: it is used to compensate the position error between guide light and the laser beam.

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