Draw Menu: Text – Variable text

Click to enable the variable text. The variable text means that the text can be dynamically changed according to user-defined rules during processing.

Variable text type: Currently EzCad supports 9 types of variable text.

Variable text type

Fixed text: fixed characters set in advance.

Serial number: Change the text in fixed increments during machining.

Date: The system automatically retrieves date information from the computer to form new text during processing.

Time: The system automatically takes the time information from the computer to form a new text during processing.

Network port communication: The character transmitted by the network port during processing forms new text.

Serial communication: Characters transferred from the serial port form new text during processing.

File: Read the text to be processed line by line from the user-set TEXT text or EXCEL table during processing.

Keyboard: The user enters the text to be processed from the keyboard during processing.

SQL database: The characters extracted from the database during processing form new text.

Keyboard: The keyboard text is the text input by the user from the keyboard. When the keyboard text system is selected, the system will display the content as shown in Figure and ask the user to set the keyboard text parameters.

keyboard parameter

Tip: It means the user is prompted to input the text to be processed during processing.

The user manually enters the text to be processed directly.

input text

Number of fixed characters: If the user selects, the number of characters input and the set number of characters are the same for marking. Otherwise, it must be re-entered.

Date: A date text object In the process of processing, the system will automatically take the date and time information from the computer to form a new text.

When the user selects the date text, a list of currently-predefined date formats is automatically displayed in the variable text dialog box, as shown in Figure.

Date Format List

Users can select their desired date format directly from the date format list.

If you do not find the format you need in the date format list, you can also define your own special date format.

Serial number

The serial number text is a fixed increment of text processing.

When the user selects the serial number text, the parameter definition of the serial number text is automatically displayed in the variable text dialog box, as shown in Figure.

Parameter definition of serial number text

Start Serial Number: The first serial number currently being processed. It can be any ASCII character between  "0-9" and  "a-z" and "A-Z".

Current serial number: The serial number currently being processed.

Serial number increment: It refers to the increment of the current serial number. It can be a negative value. When it is set to a negative value, it means that the  serial number is decremented.

If the current serial number increment is 1, if the start number is 0000, then each serial number will be added to the previous serial number, for example, 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003...9997, 9998, 9999, When the serial number reaches 9999, the system will automatically return to 0000. If a, b, c.....x, y, z, when the serial number reaches z, the system will automatically return to a. For example, A, B, C.....X, Y, Z, when the serial number reaches Z, the system will automatically return to A.

If the increment of the current serial number is 5, if the starting number is 0000, the serial number is listed as 0000, 0005, 0010, 0015, 0020, 0025.....

If the increment of the current sequence number is 2, if the start sequence number is aaaa, then the sequence number is aaaa, aaac, aaae, aaag, aaai, aaak.....

Others and so on.

Each marking number: refers to the number of each serial number to be processed and then changing the serial number.

After the user presses the extended key, the serial number expansion dialog box appears.

serial number extended parameters dialog box

Reset: The specified time resets the serial number and restarts.

Filter the following symbols: You can set 20 filter conditions in the filter list and filter out some unwanted serial numbers.

If the start number is 0000, the number group whose number increment is 1 : 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, 0005……, 0012, 0013, 0014, 0015, 0016…

If the filter condition is "*4", all serial numbers whose numbers at the end of the sequence number are "4" are filtered out, and "*" represents a wildcard symbol.

Then the serial number group becomes: 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, 0005, 0006……, 0012, 0013, 0015, 0016, 0017…

If the start sequence number is 1000, the sequence number increase number is 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500……

If the filter condition is "2*", all serial numbers with the first number "2" are filtered out.

Then the serial number group becomes: 1000, 1500, 3000, 3500, 4000……


Currently EzCad3 supports two kinds of list files

1.TXT text file

When the TXT file is selected, the system will display the content shown in Figure. The user is required to set the file name and the line number of the current text to be processed.

file parameter

Automatic reset: When processing to the end of the text file, the line number is reset to 0, and processing is started again from the first line.

2.Excel text file

When the Excel file system is selected, the content shown in Figure is displayed, requiring the user to set the file name, field name, and the line number of the current text to be processed. Currently, the form of *.xls is supported.

Field Name: Refers to the text of the currently set field name in Form 1 in the Excel file table. During processing, the system automatically extracts the text to be processed from the corresponding column.

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