How to Use the Function of X/Y(/Z) Table Control?

Enable X/Y(/Z)Table Control

Allow users to enable XY(/Z) Table. Users can add coordinates and then the XY(/Z) axis will move to the assigned positions in order, see Fig.

enable xyztable

Enable: Enable XY table motion.
Computer Vision Positioning: Enable CVP marking at each XY position.
Add/Edit: Add or edit the XY(/Z) position, see Fig.
Delete/Delete All: Delete the selected position or delete all setting positions.
Move Up/ Move Down: Move up/down the selected position to change its order.
Array Copy: Create several positions at one time based on array principle, see Fig.

edit xyz table

Insert Point: Set the start point.
Count: The duplicate amount.
Pitch: The interval of each point.

X/Y Table Control Panel

After enableing X/Y Table, click the button and do the further setting, see Fig.

xy table control pannel
  1. Click “MOVE TO…” button and then input the X and Y values in the dialog box and click “GO,” the XY Table will move to that specific position. The moving speed can be adjusted from “Speed” parameter.
  2. Click the four direction buttons (the red part of Fig.) to move the XY Table.
  3. Click “ZERO” and the program will set the present position as (0,0).
  4. Click “HOMING” and the XY Table will move to program origin.
  5. Click “MOVE TO P”, the XY Table will directly move to the setting position (P0~P9). Users can click “SETUP…” button to set the value of these points.
  6. Click “SETUP…” and do more detail settings, see Fig.
xy table setup

Axis Name: Users can set the 1 st Axis as X or Y, and the 2 nd Axis as Y or X.
Program Org. [mm]: The program will consider this point as the program origin.
Axis Unit [pulse/mm]: The pulse needed for X/Y Axis to move 1 millimeter (must refer to the motor’s specification).
Encoder Unit [pulse/mm]: The pulse the encoder releases when moving 1 millimeter (must refer to the encoder’s specification).
Speed [mm/sec]: The moving speed of X/Y Axis.
Backlash [mm]: The transmission deviation between motor and axis.
Motor Reverse: Reverse the motor moving direction.
Jog Reverse: When XY Table is placed in a different direction with the software’s control panel, this parameter can make the X/Y axis move following the right direction.

Encoder Reverse: Reverse the direction of the encoder.
Limit Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high
Home Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high
Index Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high(Need motor Z-phase support)
InPos Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high
Acc/Dec Times [sec]: The time motor needs to reach the setting speed.
Init. Speed [mm/sec]: The initial speed of motor.
Inpos Timeout [sec]: The program will consider X/Y axis completed position after passing the time setting here.
Inpos Delay [sec]: The program will wait for the setting time here to execute the next command.
Ext I/O Home: Using external controller (I/O) to do homing.
Ext I/O Jog+: Using external controller (I/O) to do positive shift.
Ext I/O Jog-: Using external controller (I/O) to do negative shift.
Home Speed [mm/sec]: The homing speed of the motor.
Home Back Speed [mm/sec]: The speed motor needs to move from home position to the edge of home sensor after reaching the home position.
Home Reverse: Reverse the direction of homing.
Home Sensor Touching Mode (0/1): Decide that XY-Table will stop or do home in reverse direction when touching the limit sensor during homing.0 is stop, and 1 is homing reversely.
Index Direction: Choose Index direction.(Need motor Z-phase support)
Limit Stop Mode(0/1): Decide the motor stop rapidly (0) or slowly (1) when moving to limit sensor.
Distance of Travel [mm]: The maximum available travel distance X/Y Axis can reach.
P0~P9 [mm]: Set the position of P0~P9.

Job End Point: XY-Table will move to the assigned position (P0~P9) after marking is completed.
Homing End Point: XY-Table will move to the assigned position (P0~P9) after homing.

Load Compensation File

Click “Load Compensation File” to load the compensation file. Fig is an example of the compensation file.

table commensation file

In this text file, [1-Axis] represents the compensation value of the first axis, while [2-Axis] means the second one. Take the line “30 3” for example. When the program makes a command of moving 30mm but the actual movement was only 27mm, users can add the value “30 3” in the compensation file. As a result, when get an order of moving 30mm, the program will change to 33mm automatically to do compensation.

It is no need to sort the position of compensation values; the program will automatically do the sorting. And there is no limitation for numbers. If the position is not in the file, the program will calculate the compensation automatically using interpolation method. If the value of position is larger than the maximum compensation value, the program will set the maximum compensation value as the compensation of that position. And the minimum compensation value will be the compensation value when the position is smaller than it.

  1. Click “Rotary…” button can do Rotary control setting.
  2. Click “Z-Axis…” button can do Z-Axis control setting.
  3. “Load Compensation File” shows the compensation file users loaded.

Z Axis ControlPanel

After enableing Z Axis,click button and do the further setting.

Z AxisControl Panel
  1. Click “MOVE TO…” button and input the value in the dialog box and click “GO,” the Z Axis will move to that specific position. The moving speed can be adjusted from “Speed” parameter.
  2. Click the two direction buttons to move the Z axis.
  3. Click “ZERO” and the program will set the present position as the program origin. Users can also click “SETUP…” button to set the program origin.
  4. Click “HOMING” and the Z axis will move to program origin.
  5. Click “MOVE TO P”, the Z axis will directly move to the setting position (P0~P9). Users can click “SETUP…” button to set the value of these points.
  6. Click “SETUP…” and do more detail settings, see Fig.
z axis setup

Program Org. [mm]: The program will consider this point as the program origin.
Axis Unit [pulse/mm]: The pulse needed for Z Axis to move 1 millimeter (must refer to the motor’s specification).
Encoder Unit [pulse/mm]: The pulse the encoder releases when moving 1 millimeter (refer to the encoder’s specification).
Speed [mm/sec]: The moving speed of the Z axis
Backlash [mm]: The transmission deviation between motor and axis.
Motor Reverse: Reverse the motor moving direction.
Jog Reverse: When Z Table is placed in a different direction with the software’s control panel, this parameter can make the Z axis move following the right direction.
Encoder Reverse: Reverse the direction of the encoder.
Limit Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high
Home Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high
InPos Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high
Acc/Dec Times [sec]: The time motor needs to reach the setting speed.
Init. Speed [mm/sec]: The initial speed of motor.
Inpos Timeout [sec]: The program will consider Z axis completed position after passing the time setting here.
Inpos Delay [sec]: The program will wait for the setting time here to execute the next command.
Ext I/O Home: Using external controller (I/O) to do homing.
Ext I/O Jog+: Using external controller (I/O) to do positive shift.
Ext I/O Jog-: Using external controller (I/O) to do negative shift.
Home Speed [mm/sec]: The homing speed of the motor.
Home Back Speed [mm/sec]: The speed motor needs to move from home position to the edge of home sensor after reaching the home position (only for PMC2 &PCMark).
Home Reverse: Reverse the direction of homing.
Home Sensor Touching Mode (0/1): Decide that Z axis will stop or do home in reverse direction when touching the limit sensor during homing. 0 is stop, and 1 is homing reversely.
Home End Point: Rotary axis will move to the assigned position (P0~P9) after homing.
Limit Stop Mode: Decide the motor stop rapidly (0) or slowly (1) when moving to limit sensor.
Distance of Travel [mm]: The maximum available travel distance Z Axis can reach.
P0~P9 [mm]: Set the position of P0~P9.

  1. Click “XY-Table…” button can do X/Y Table control setting.
  2. Click “Rotary…” button can do Rotary control setting.

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