Why Does the Water Temperature of the Laser Cutting Machine Rise Too Quickly?

Water plays a key role in laser cutting machines. When actually using the laser cutting machine, some operators will find that the water temperature of laser cutter occasionally rises too quickly.

Reasons for the water temperature rising quickly

1. When the laser cutting machine is working, the ambient temperature around it is high.

2. The working light energy of the laser cutting machine is too large, which causes the water temperature of the machine to rise too quickly.

3. The continuous working time of the laser cutting machine is too long, and it is necessary to stop and rest appropriately.

4. The return flow of the cooling water outlet pipe is not normal, resulting in the water flow is not smooth enough.

5. The inlet and outlet pipes of the water pump are too dirty, and the water protection is blocked, making the water flow unsmooth.

In fact, the way to troubleshoot these exceptions is very simple, and the operation is not troublesome.

The wrong operation may also cause the water temperature to rise rapidly, making an early warning, affecting the processing. Knowing the reasons for the above-mentioned rise in water temperature can solve the problem by yourself.

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