File Menu – System Parameter: General

system parameter general

In “General“, common parameters can be configured.

Unit Type: millimeter and inch are two options can be selected.

Paste X and Paste Y: the relative offsets to the previously object when paste.

Grid: show or hide the grid.

Grid distance: adjust the distance in grid.

Input IO mask: user could choose IO port through input IO mask, for example, if want to use IO 0,1,2,3, you can click 0,1,2,3.

input io mask

Output IO mask: user could choose IO port through output IO mask, for example, if want to use IO 0,1, you can click 0,1.

output io mask

Enable Mark Mutex (EZCAD2MUTEX_MARKING) : This option is used to synchronize the Ezcad program with third-party programs. If checked, the Ezcad software create a mutex object named “EZCAD2MUTEX_MARKING”. The mark command cannot be executed until the mutex is “signaled” by other programs. After marking, the mutex will be switched to “nonsignaled” state by Ezcad software.

Execute when Ezcad starts: The exe file appointed here will be executed when the Ezcad software starts.

Execute when Ezcad Finish: The exe file appointed here will be executed when the Ezcad software ends.

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