Laser Menu: Split Mark 2

"Split mark2" module is able to split joint big content. We can either choose an expansion axis to be X direction split joint, or choose two expansion axes to be XY direction split joint respectively.

Its operation dialog box is shown as follows:

Split mark 2

Distance: The move distance each time when the key Ctrl and arrow key Left/Right/Up/Down was pressed together, or click arrow. Press key PageUp/PageDown to increase/decrease the distance.

Press Ctrl+Left to move left and Ctrl+Right to move right for expansion axis X.
Press Ctrl+Up to move up and Ctrl+Down to move down for expansion axis Y or axis Z.

Split size: The marking size before rotation each time. When marking the figure on the column, we always split the figure into many strips to keep the focus point as the same. Mark one strip, then rotate the column, and mark the next strip, one by one until the whole figure was processed.

Note: The split size is very important for the whole figure. It has great influence on the time and the effect.

Part: The part count that has been marked. Press the button R on the rightwards will reset the part count.

Total num: The total count need to mark. When the parts have been marked reach the Total num, software will stop it automatically.

Continues: Repeatedly mark the figure until stop it manually.

Mark Selected: Only those figures selected will be marked.

Force split: Divide the whole figure into equal parts neglecting the size of each object.

Figure 8-31 is the case without Force split selected while Figure 8-32 is the one that enable Force split. The split size in two figures is 18mm.

Split mark 2 - force split selected

In Figure 8-31, the left two circles smaller than split size and be marked without split. The circle on the right is greater than split size and was divided into three parts to mark. Without force split selected, the objects smaller than split size will be marked without split and those greater than split size will be divided to mark according the split size.

In Figure 8-32, the whole figure (three circles) was split into equal parts to mark. The object on the split border will be divided even its size is smaller than split size.

Force all split: When there are multiple objects in the object list, all objects will be processed as a whole one according to the split size. The objects smaller than split size will be marked first, the rest that exceed split size will be divided to mark.

Mark by split line: after click it, will not split according to fixed size, will split according to the split lines.

Click "parameter" button to setup parameters of expansion axis. The dialog box pops up as Figure.

Split mark 2 - configuration parameters

The definition of each parameter:

Enable: Enable current expansion axis.

ID: The current expansion axis will be used as axis X/Y/Z.

ID is X, the figure will be split in direction X to mark.
ID is Y, the figure will be split in direction Y to mark.
ID is Z, the expansion axis will move to the appointed position to mark.

Pulses per round: The pulse numbers each round that the expansion axis rotating. We can calculate it through following formula:

X=(360/N)* n

There into:

X denotes Pulses per round.
N denotes step angle of step motor.
n denotes micro-step set by step motor driver.

Min coor: The minimum logical coordinates of expansion axis. When the object’s coordinate of the expansion axis is smaller than the minimum coordinates, the warning message will popup.

Max coor: The maximum coordinate of expansion axis. When the object’s coordinate of the expansion axis is greater than the maximum logical coordinates, the warning message will popup.

Coordinate value has relationship with effective move space and move direction of the the worktable. eg

Split mark 2 - eg
As fig, the length of the work table is 200mm, move direction is from left to right, origin point is on left side. The effective moving distance is 200mm, so Min coor is -200, Max coor is 0.
Split mark 2 - eg2
Move direction is from right to left, origin switch is on right side, effective moving distance is 200mm, so Min coor is 0, Max coor is 200.
If the origin point is in other position, please consider it accordingly.

Min speed: the minimum rotary speed of expansion axis.

Max speed: the maximum rotary speed of expansion axis.

Acc. time: Acceleration time needed when expansion axis moves from minimum speed to maximum speed.

Go to start position after finished: The expansion axis will go back to the initial position after finishing marker.

Speed: The speed of the axis going back to the initial position after finishing marker.

Rotation axis: Select it, it’s indicates that current expansion axis is rotation axis. Moving manner is rotation; otherwise, it indicates flat content processing or Z axis locating process.

Gear ratio: Electric motor connecting axis, the reducing ratio is one. If there are reducing setup, the reducing ratio is reducing setup ratio.

Part diameter: The workpiece need to mark currently. If expansion axis is rotation axis, part diameter, an important parameter to count move distance, must fill in accurately.

Zero: Whether current expansion axis has zero signal. When expansion axis hasn’t enabled zero signal, it can’t set up an absolute coordinates. Therefore, marking a set of parts require adjusting site to make every processing stay in the same site. So, the system takes expansion axis as default origin point before processing. After processing a workpiece, the system will move expansion axis back. In this way each workpiece will process in the same site.

Speed of Go zero: the moving speed of expansion axis looking for zero signal.

Zero offset: The leave distance of current expansion axis after finding out zero signal.

Zero time out: Set the time of expansion axis finding zero point. If it overruns it, the system will present "overtime".

Accurate Zero: When it is selected, the axis must gives three zero signals in go zero process; and it isn’t selected, the axis only need one signal.

Scale compensation: It refers to the scale coefficient of corresponding move distance in expansion axis. Adjust this parameter can remove separation and superposition in connection.

Space compensation: It refers to reverse space compensation, making up for sapce error between gear when moving.

Shear compensation: When machine make bigger error ratio, shear phenomena will be created during flat marking.Adjust this parameter can remove it.

When all parameters are set, you can click "mark" to process.


Use Corfile.exe to make whole linearity correction, making sure the consistency of effect.

Table level, stable electric rotation and nice light mode are the keys for marking best effect.

Special pos button can set the position that the motor moves to before mark. Hitting "Special position" button and set appointed position coordinates. Then, hit "Special motion" button and choose ‘Go to special position’, the motor will go to the position you set.

special pos

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