File Menu: Projection Parameter

projection parmeter

Connect the external projection device. Keep the direction both scanner and projection same. Enable the project watch and click F4 to preview.

When using, the direction of projection of the projector needs to be the same as that of the galvanometer. After enabling projection observation, click F4 to preview the marked content with the projector.

Width: Marks the width of the grid. Used for projector size and distortion correction.

Height: Mark the height of the grid. Used for projector size and distortion correction.

Row, Col: Mark the number of correction grid rows and columns.

Start correction: Start to calibrate the position of each grid point.

Test projection correction: Project the actual effect of the calibration, if the projection of the calibrate grid and the actual marking of the grid coincide, the correction is valid, otherwise need to re-calibration.

Offset: Adjust the overall X and Y position of the projected content.

Projector calibration procedure

In Figure, fill in the calibration area size, the number of rows and columns, and click on the marking projector to calibrate the grid lines.

Click "start calibration", remove the "select all points" check, use Ctrl+ direction selection, adjust each point of the projected grid by up, down, left, right, and make the grid of the projection and the actual laser marking grid point completely Coincidence, click OK to save the projector calibration data.

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