Process: Param library

Save the parameters user set.

Param library

Apply to default: Save all parameters of the current parameter to the parameter named "default".

Param library: Save parameters currently set by all users for processing various materials.

Save current param as: Indicates that the parameters in the pen are saved to the parameter library.

Delete select param as: Indicates to remove the current parameter from the parameter library.

Marking parameter

1)Loop count: Indicates the number of times that all objects correspond to the current parameter.

2)Speed: Indicates the current processing parameter marking speed.

Power linear transfer

1)Enable start and end: Indicates whether the start position power ramping is enabled.

2)Start proportion: The percentage of the initial power of the light output.

The actual initial light output power is the power percentage of the current processing parameter multiplied by this percentage.

3)Start length: Starting power gradient length.

4)End proportion: The percentage of power at off position, the actual ending light power is the power percentage of the current processing parameter multiplied by this percentage.

5) End length: Adjustment….

Velocity linear transformation

1)Enable start: Indicates whether the start position is enabled for speed gradation.

2)Start proportion: The percentage of the starting speed of the light output. The actual starting light speed is the percentage of the speed of the current machining parameter multiplied by this percentage.

3)Start length: Starting speed gradient length.

4)Enable end: Indicates whether the end position speed gradient is enabled.

5)End proportion: The percentage of speed at off position, the actual off position speed is the percentage of speed of the current machining parameter multiplied by this percentage.

6)End length: End position speed gradient length.

Optimized parameter

1)Enable: Whether to enable optimization parameters.

2)Acc.distance: The galvanometer accelerates the distance in advance, and if this parameter is properly set, the unevenness of the starting point of marking can be eliminated.

3)Bidirectional migration: The galvanometer and the laser are not synchronized and cause two-way misalignment. Setting this parameter appropriately solves the problem of bidirectional pad offset effectively.


1)Enable: After being enabled, the jitter is effective, mainly when marking a single line, the need to thicken the line, or the need to use a specific jitter pattern, can save time, improve efficiency.

2)Type: Dither type, spiral, sine, ellipse.

3)Diameter: Jitter diameter, the larger the diameter, the larger the jitter pattern.

4)distance: The spacing between adjacent dither patterns.

5)diameter2: The maximum diameter of the elliptical jitter type.

6)Time per point: When the object is a little object, the light time of each point.

For example:

Draw a 40 x 20 or so rectangle and fill it with the following parameters: outline and fill, padding 0, pad spacing 1.0, padding angle 0, and one-way padding (i.e. do not select two-way round-trip padding options).

Set the marking parameters to the following mode:

Parameter name : XX - User-Defined Name (user is advised to use an easy-to-understand, identifying name);

Loop count: 1; speed: XX——User needs speed;

Jump speed: XXX——User-defined speed (1200 - 2500 recommended) User required speed;

Power: 50%.
Frequency: 5KHZ.
Start TC: 300.
End TC: 300.

To process the filled rectangle, observe the relative positions of the start segment and the border of the filled line of the marked rectangle.

There may be the following situations:

The first kind: the filling line is separated from the boundary, as shown in Figure below. This is due to the excessive delay in the start segment. It is necessary to reduce the start segment delay.


In the second case, the beginning of the filling line coincides with the boundary, but there is a phenomenon of "sticker head" as shown in Figure. That is, the marking of the beginning of the filling line is heavy. This is due to the fact that the start delay is too small and the start delay needs to be increased.


In the third case, the filling line coincides with the boundary, and there is no "sticker head" phenomenon in the second case. This is what we need. The delay at the beginning is appropriate.


Because the lasers and galvanometers used by different manufacturers are different, the performance varies widely. Sometimes, no matter how the delay of the start segment is modified, the beginning of the filling line and the boundary line cannot coincide. In this case, the acceleration distance parameter needs to be set (general numerical range is between 0.05-0.25). However, at this time, there will be a fourth case where the beginning of the fill line exceeds the boundary line, as shown in Figure. At this time, the delay of the start segment can be increased or the acceleration distance can be reduced. As long as these two parameters are adjusted properly, the satisfactory results will be achieved.


Adjust end TC

Also marking the above filled rectangle, at this point the relative position of the end of the filling line and the boundary has the following three conditions, similar to the beginning of the relationship between the paragraph and the border.

In the first case, the filling line is separated from the boundary, as shown in Figure. This is due to the small delay in the ending segment. This is due to the need to increase the delay of the ending segment.

Adjust end TC
case1 and case2

In the second case, the filling line coincides with the boundary line, but the filling line has a "matchhead" phenomenon at the end, that is, the marking of the ending line of the filling line is heavy, as shown in Fig. This is due to the excessive delay in the ending stage. Yes, this needs to reduce the end delay;In the third case, the filling line coincides with the boundary line, and there is no "sticker head" phenomenon in the second case, as shown in Figure. This is what we want. The delay at the end of the time is appropriate.

Adjust end TC 2
case3 and case4

Because the lasers and galvanometers used by different manufacturers are different, the performance varies greatly. Sometimes, no matter how the end-of-sequence delay is modified, the end of the filling line and the boundary line cannot coincide. In this case, the end point compensation needs to be set. Between 0.05-0.25. However, a fourth case occurs at this time: the end of the fill line exceeds the boundary line, as shown in Figure. At this time, the delay at the end stage can be reduced or the compensation at the end point can be reduced. As long as these two parameters are adjusted properly, the satisfactory results will be achieved.

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