Edit Menu: Node

The graphics drawn by EzCad3 software are all vector graphics. Therefore, you can modify the characteristics of the graphics to adjust the shape of the graphics.

node icon

If you want to use node editing features, select the icon in the drawing toolbar. With a mouse click on an object in the workspace, the object shows all its nodes. The nodes are  represented by boxes, with the larger one indicating the starting point of the curve. At the same time, the node editing toolbar will appear.

node toolbar
node toolbar 2
Add node

The mouse clicks on any non-node position on the curve where a solid black circle dot appears. Select the "Add node" command to add a node at this point.

Delete node

Click any node on the curve, the node is painted black, select "Delete node" command, the node is deleted.

unite node

When two nodes are close, drag the two nodes and select the "unite node" command, the two nodes are merged into one node.

separate node

Clicks on any node on the curve. The node is painted black. Select the "separate node" command and the node is split into two separate nodes.

convert to Line

Click any point between two adjacent nodes on the curve and select the "convert to Line" command. The curve (which may be a straight line, arc or curve) between these two nodes is converted into a straight line.

convert to arc

Click any point between two adjacent nodes on the curve, and select the "convert to arc" command, then the curve between these two nodes turns into an arc.

convert to curve

The mouse clicks any point between two adjacent nodes on the curve and selects the "convert to curve" command. The curve between these two nodes is converted to a curve.

transition sharply

Click any node on the curve and select the "transition sharply" command, the node becomes a sharp point, and the curve turns more.

transition smoothly

Click any node on the curve and select the "transition smoothly" command, the node will become a smooth curve and the curve will have a small turn.

transition symmetrically

Click a node with the mouse and select the "transition symmetrically" command, then the curve around the node is symmetrized.

change curve Direction

Select the "change curve Direction" command, the start and end of the curve are exchanged and the direction of the curve is changed.

curve will close

Select the command and the curve will close automatically.

two nodes

Drag and drop more than two nodes and select the command. The Alignment dialog box appears. You can select the alignment of these nodes and align them with the top, bottom, left, or right sides.

Note: Text objects and padding objects cannot edit nodes; but path text can edit the node of a path.

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