Why Does the Laser Marking Machine Have Red Light but No Laser Beam?

Some reasons and solutions are analyzed here, hoping to help you solve the problem that the laser marking machine has red light without laser beam.

1. The laser is not powered on.

You can check the line first. If it is not the line problem, check whether the power supply of the laser is damaged.

Check the 24v main control switching power supply, the positive and negative output is 24v, if the voltage is abnormal, the laser will not be able to start, resulting in the laser not running.


Replace the control power supply of the laser. It is recommended to use a stable power input system.

2. The laser is damaged.

Check whether the laser is damaged. If you are not sure, you can exclude other related components, such as the laser mark control card and the galvanometer.


The laser marking machine is generally guaranteed for two years, and you can find the laser marker manufacturer to repair the laser.

3. The laser marking control board is damaged.

The damage of the laser marking control board causes the marking software Ezcad to be unable to connect to the laser, and cannot give the laser signal, resulting in the inability to emit the laser.

The laser marking control board is connected to a 5V power supply. We can also check whether the LMC board is powered on, or the circuit is damaged.


The damage of the LMC board is generally irreparable. We recommend that you replace it directly.

The problem of laser marking machine with red light and no laser is nothing more than the above points. Check different circuit control systems, in order to conclude whether the line is damaged or mechanical failure.

We also need to do the correct use process. In the case of non-use we need to unplug and keep the laser marker completely powered off, so as to prolong the service life of the laser marking machine.

Regarding the correct operation of the laser marking machine software Ezcad, we enter the laser printer software after starting the laser marking machine. When exiting the software, we need to exit the software first and then close the laser marker, which can effectively protect the service life of the LMC board.

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