Param(F3) Configuration: Field

Field Parameter

Field: the widest range for marking.

Gavlo 1=x: the track of gavlo 1 uesd as the X axis.

Gavlo 2=x: the track of gavlo 2 uesd as the X axis.

Offset X: The offset distance on X direction of scanhead.

Offset Y: The offset distance on Y direction of scanhead.

Use the corrected file: Use the correction file generated by our CorFile.exe soft.

Negate: the opposite direction of the current gavlo.

galvo 1

This item refers to the distortional correction coefficient, and the default value is 1.0 (range from 0.875 – 1.125). If your design is as Figure 10-19 shows but the marked work is Figure 10-20 or Figure 10-21, you will have to increase the coefficient on the X axis direction for Figure 10-20 and lower the coefficient on the X axis direction for Figure 10-21.

marked work
galvo 2

This item indicates the parallelogram correction coefficient, and the default is 1.0 (range from 0.875 – 1.125). If your design is as Figure 10-19 shows but the marked work is Figure 10-22, you will have to adjust this parameter to correct it.

Figure 10-22 Marked Work

Scale: It refers to the flex percentage, and the default is 100%. This parameter will be adjusted when the trim size marked is different from the setting size. If the trim size is smaller than the designed one, users can raise this parameter; if the trim size is bigger than the designed one, users can lower this parameter.

Note: If there are some distortions with the Laser scanner (gavlo), users should firstly adjust the distortions and then the flex percentage.

When setting scale, we may press the button, and a dialog will pop up just like figure 10-23.

calculate scale

Goal mark size: the size set in the software.

Real mark size: the measured size of the object that have been marked on the workpiece.

The software will calculate the scale automatically according to these two values.

After mark Go to: The gavlo jump to the appointed position when finishing marking.

Password: after set the password, we must input it can enter the Param Dialog Box.

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