EzCad3: How to Make 3D XYZ Correction?

STEP 1: Open CalibrationWizard.exe.

1.Open the program

Open the program

2.Choose Correction System and Set System Parameter

Choose Correction System

3.Click "Confirm" Button


STEP 2: Set Mark parameters for laser and scanhead.

Mark parameters for laser and scanhead 1
Mark parameters for laser and scanhead 2

STEP 3: Calibrate motor Z axis (If no Motor Z axis, don’t set it )

Calibrate motor Z axis
Calibrate motor Z axis 2

STEP 4: 3*3 Scanner calibrate

For this step, please refer the 9 points correction manual.

After finishing the 9 points correction, if customer want a better precision, customer could do multi-point correction, for this step, please refer the multi-point correction manual.

After finishing the 9 points correction or multi-point correction, customer need to load the cor file again in this window.

Scanner calibrate

STEP 5: Z axis calibration

1.Click "Z Axis Cor" button to open Z axis calibration page.

Z Axis Cor

Test Focal: Theory(mm): 3D scanhead Z theory value.

Test Focal: Actual(mm): 3D scanhead Z actual value.

Mark Test Image(Grid): Mark 25 grid,if the grid is Symmetrical, it means the actual value is OK.(We suggest customer use this way to check the actual value )

Mark Test Image(Cross): mark cross, if the cross line is thinnest and the sound is crisp, it means the actual value is OK.

Mark TEST Image(Circle): Mark circle, if the line is thinnest and the sound is crisp, it means the actual value is OK.

Test Image Size(mm): set the size of grid cross and circle.

Focal Steps(mm): set focal steps size.

Mark Rectangle Size(mm): set the rectangle size.

2.Click "Set Mark Parameters" button, input the laser power "20%-30%", and click "Enter" Button on the Keyboard

3.Click "Enter/Exit" back to the First page.

4.Set the parameter for Property:

parameter for Property - 174-254 lens
parameter for Property - 112-164 lens

5.Test Z value.

Test Z value

Set "Test Focal: Theory(mm)" value = 0,

"Test Focal: Actual(mm)" value = 0,

6.Click "Mark Test Image(Grid)"button

Mark Test Image

Check the grid rectangles, if the grid rectangles are not symmetrical and clear, adjust

"Test Focal: Actual(mm)"

and mark again, until getting a symmetrical grid rectangles. The good result should look like below picture:

rectangles 1


There are 25 small grids, Group them like this: 1 and 25, 2-24, 3-23, 4-22, 5-21, 6-20, 7-19, 8-18……every two grids show have same marking result.

Down the Test Focal: Actual(mm) if marking result like this

Down the Test Focal

Up the Test Focal: Actual(mm) if marking result like this,

Up the Test Focal

Change "Test Focal: Actual(mm)" until get a good result.

7.Click "Mark Rectangle" button

Mark Rectangle

Software will mark a rectangle, measure this rectangle’s size (average size of length and width).
Input to

rectangle size
(Press "Entry" on the keyboard after input the every value)

8.Click "Add Calibration Data" button to add the Sn0 line’s Z calibration data.

9.Move Z axis for different Z calibration.

Sn0 is for Z=0,

Down the scanhead 10mm (or Up the Work table 10mm), the Z(theory)=10mm,
Up the scanhead 10mm (Or down the work table 10mm ), the Z(theory)=-10mm.
And then we adjust Actual for testing.

Set "Test Focal: Theory(mm)" value = 10, set"Test Focal: Actual(mm)" value = 20,(it is around this value, Need adjust it according to our marking result),

Repeat step 6, 7, 8 to make Sn1 line’s z data. Then make other line’s z data

Different lens, Layer numbers are different, for 174-254 lens, calibrate from -30 to 30 (Means Test Focal: Theory have 7 value,-30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30).For 114-164 lens,calibrate from -10 to 10(Means Test Focal: Theory have 3 value,-10,0,10)

Example for 174-254 lens.

Example for 174-254 lens

After we finished this 7 layers,
Input the Sn0 X and Y value into the software
Input Z axis layer number into the software

Z axis layer number

Notice: every time we input value, we need to click Enter, this is very important!

rect x y

10.After adding all the z calibration data, click “Generator 3D Cor File” button to build 3D calibration file.

Click “Save 3D Cor File” to save 3D calibration file .

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