EzCad 9-Point Calibration Method

1. Find the calibration software

Open the EzCad2 file directory and double-click "Corfile2" to enter the 9-point calibration software.

enter the 9-point calibration software

2. Set the calibration parameters

Click "F1 设置激光器参数"

Click "F1 设置激光器参数" to set the laser type and marking parameters (normally, the marking parameters are default). In general, the fiber laser type is IPG, SPI, and is checked separately. Click "OK" to return to the previous interface.

set the laser type and marking parameters

3. Corrective operation method

Lay the black paper on the workbench and make sure the paper is flat. Then click on "F3 标刻9点测试矩形" and the following graphic will be marked.

click on "F3 标刻9点测试矩形"
Lay the black paper on the workbench

The following dialog box will appear after each marking, and the next steps will be taken if the dimensions are appropriate. If the size of the corrected graphic is not suitable, click "Cancel" to return to the previous menu, click "F1 设置激光器参数", find

change the standard test rectangle size

, change the standard test rectangle size to large or small, confirm and return to the upper interface, then re-marking until the size is right.

re-marking until the size is right
re-marking until the size is right

The observation dialog box displays whether the image is consistent with the marking pattern. If they are consistent, continue with the subsequent steps; if they are inconsistent, click "更改图像类型" until the software display graphic matches the graphic marked on the black photo paper.

According to the coordinate position of each point corresponding to the graphic and the graphic displayed by the software, the 5th point is taken as the central coordinate (0, 0). Use a ruler to measure the coordinates of each point on the black paper, take the absolute value (accurate to one decimal place), and fill in the corresponding coordinate bar of the dialog box. Click "OK" to return to the previous interface.

4. Generate calibration files

Click "F6 保存参数到指定文件" to display the following dialog box. Please specify the file name for the file, otherwise the save will not be successful, such as "9 points". Be sure to remember the file directory location.

specify the file name

5. Verify the correction accuracy

Click "F7 打开指定参数文件" to open the calibration file you just saved.

open the calibration file you just saved

Replace the workbench photo paper and re-tilt it. Then click "F8 校验校正后的标准矩形". At this time, the device will mark the following pattern. The standard pattern is a square shape fill with a fill pitch of 5mm.

click "F8 校验校正后的标准矩形"
a square shape fill with a fill pitch of 5mm

The above figure clearly shows that there is a significant error in the coordinate value measured by coordinate 6. It needs to be recalibrated and return to step 4. If the pattern is correct overall, use a ruler or a tool with higher precision to measure whether the spacing of each line is 5mm, and measure horizontally and vertically. The corrected image measurement value should be as close as possible to 5mm. If the error is too large, please recalibrate. Note: This measurement error depends on the customer's requirements and is usually within ±0.1mm. If it does not meet the customer's requirements, please return to step 3 to re-correct, and vice versa.

6. Import correction file

After the calibration is completed, enter the EzCad2 software, click "F3 参数", check the use of the calibration file, and click the arrow (as shown in the figure mark position) to import the calibration file saved in step 4.

import the calibration file

Click "确定", the calibration file has been loaded at this time, the galvanometer has been corrected, and normal marking processing can be performed.

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