Draw Menu: Rect


To draw a rectangle, select the Rect cursorin the drawing menu or click the icon.

Under the drawing rectangle, hold down the left mouse button and drag to draw a rectangle.

Under the drawing rectangle, hold down the left mouse button while holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard and dragging can draw a square.

After selecting the rect, the rectangle property shown in Figure will be displayed in the property toolbar.

Rectangle property

Roundness: The degree of smoothness of each corner of the rectangle. If the degree of smoothness is 100%, the rectangle becomes a circle.

All Corner Circles: When this function is enabled, when the user changes the roundness of a certain corner, the remaining three corners will increase the corresponding roundness.

Note: After modifying the parameters in the property, be sure to click the "Apply" button to make the modified parameters take effect. The same applies below will not be repeated.

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