Automation: Control Object

The Control Object Tool Bar allows user to insert control objects, see Fig.

Control Object
Control Object 2

Digital In

“Digital In” is used to check the input potential signal is correct or not when marking. Users can set potential signal (high or low) at IN 1~8, see Fig.

Digital In

If the input signal is correct, then the system will do the next step.

SET: High potential.
CLEAR: Low potential.
———-: Ignore.
Time Out: The time that system needs to wait for the input signal.

Example: Suppose that this value is 10ms.
If there is no signal input within 10ms, then the system will start to mark the next object.

Digital Out

Set the output potential signal (high or low) at OUT 1~8, see Fig. When the mark process execute to “Digital Out” object, the system will follow the settings on this page and do the next step.

Digital Out

SET: High potential.
CLEAR: Low potential.
———-: Ignore.
Clear Signal: Activate this function and then users can set the Wait Time. The system will change the high potential signal (SET) to low potential signal (CLEAR) after passing the Wait Time.

Do Pause

Stop marking and wait for the Start signal.

Delay Time

Suppose a mark process order is “Object A→Delay Time Object→ObjectB.” After Object A has been marked, the system will wait for the setting delay time and then start to mark Object B. The Delay Time can be set at Delay Time Property Table, see Fig.

Delay Time


When the mark process execute to “Motion” object, the axis will move to the assigned position or angle (Only PMC2 driver supports Z axis control), see Fig.


If check the box, the assigned position will be considered as a relative position, otherwise, it will be considered as an absolute position.

Set Position

The system will consider the current position as the assigned position when the mark process execute to “Set Position” object (Only PMC2 driver supports Z axis control). Users can assign the position at Set Position Property Table, see Fig.

Set Position


“Loop” is used to mark the selected objects repeatedly. Users can set the repeated time at Loop Property Table, see Fig. When insert this object, users will see two sub-objects (Loop Begin and Loop End) in the Object Browser and then drag the objects users want to repeated mark into the loop, like Fig.

Loop object browser


“Ring” object must be used accompanied with rotary axis.

When the mark process execute to “Ring” object, the Galvo will move to the X/Y position users set at Property Table (see Fig) first and the laser will strat to hit. When the rotary axis rotate to the assigned angle, the laser will be turned off.

Please note that the “Position” here means the Galvo’s position, not X/Y Table.



When the mark process execute to “Home” object, the axis users select at Property Table (see Fig) will go back to origin.


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