Application of Laser Cutting for Motor Stator

Application of Laser Cutting for Motor Stator

The stator is consists of a steel frame. In the production process of stator, the hardness and thickness of steel products and the high requirement of cutting precision greatly increase the difficulty of cutting.

Stator precision laser cutting machine, also known as fiber laser cutting machine, is a model that can be used for high precision cutting of metal materials.

The fiber laser cutting machine can cut stator plates to high precision through a contactless process to the exact specifications required. The process is error-free and repeatable, with high efficiency and beautiful edge results, making fiber laser cutter particularly suitable for batch production of stators.

Compared to traditional cutting methods, laser cutting has a small error rate, eliminating human factor interference and greatly increasing the stability of the production quality of motor stators. And the utilization rate of laser cutting material is high, reducing scrap and lowering production costs.

The non-contact processing reduces the risk of employee injury and metal dust contamination. The laser cutting process is highly repeatable and well suited for large-scale manufacturing processes.

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