Laser Menu: AngleRotate2 Marking

Except the new option 360 degree mark, the others parameters in AngleRotate2 is the same as those in AngleRotate.

angle marking

360 degree mark: Selected to mark the figure on the column evenly.

Total num: The count of figure that will be marked on the column with evenly interval.

If we don’t check 360 degree mark, Increment button will show.

Increment: The angle that the column should rotate after mark each figure. It is the angle interval between two adjacent figures.

Application 1: Draw the figure need to mark on the workspace and place it to the center. Make sure that the coordinate Z is zero. Select 360 degree mark and set Total num to 10, and then click Mark button. The whole mark procedure is that: Firstly, mark the figure; Then, the column rotate 36 degree(360/10), and mark the figure again, until total 10 figure have been mark on the column evenly.

Application 2: Draw the figure need to mark on the workspace and place it to the center. Make sure that the coordinate Z is zero. Uncheck 360 degree mark. Set Total num to 10 and incremental to 45. Click Mark button to start. The mark procedure is that: Firstly, mark the figure; Then, the column rotate 45 degree, and mark the figure again, until total 10 figure have been mark on the column.

Note: Only expansion axis A can be used in AngleRotate module and AngleRotate2 module. Please take care when connecting the wire.

The following example explains how to use this module.

Requirement: Mark the same letter a on the column evenly. The total count is five.

Step 1: Draw letter a in workspace. Click Apply button after setting font and size.

Step 2: Click menuitem Rotary marking2 and the dialog box shown in Figure 8-8 popup.

Step 3: Select 360 degree mark and set Total num to five.

Step 4: Click button Mark (F2) or press key F2 to start the job.

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